2021 Variable subject pronouns in Persian and Portuguese: the role of age, gender and politeness. Workshop on Cross-cultural Sociolinguistics: Insights from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. University of Cologne. (with Aria Adli)
2020 The (In)Coherence of Linguistic Communities. Abralin ao Vivo on-line lecture series. Associação Brasileira de Linguística.
2019 Africans in the New World: Language contact in Latin America. Sociolinguistic Cocktail Lecture Series. Universität zu Köln.
2018 Reporting Statistical Results. With Rena Torres Cacoullos. Workshop given at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 47, New York University. New York, NY.
2017 Life and language at the back of the classroom: Linguistic minorities in educational settings. Public Forum on Linguistic Prejudice, Linguistic Privilege, New York University, March.
2017 Variation and mental representation. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington DC, March.
2016 Iconicity and nonlocality as ethnolectal markers: Ethnolects in New York City English. International workshop on new developments in the study of migration and ethnolectal variation. Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March.
2016 Escape from New York: The disappearance of the traditional dialect features of New York City English. American Dialect Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January.
2015 Constraints, community, coherence: Do sociolects exist? Australian Linguistic Society Annual Meeting, Sydney, December.
2014 Grammar and use: Order and diversity in language. Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland. March.
2013 Lexical frequency and linguistic variation. Center for Language Science Colloquium Series, Pennsylvania State University, November.
2013 Lexical exceptions and lexical representations: a variationist perspective. PhonoLAM (Dutch inter-university phonology conference), Meertens Instituut. Netherlands, July.
2011 The grammar of use and the use of grammar. Conference on System, Usage, and Society. Freiburg Institute of Advanced Study, Freiburg, Germany. November.